Dissemination activities

Transport Research Arena: Understanding societal impacts of innovation in transport

A panel session organised by bmvit addressed the deep impacts of transportation research at the Transport Research Arena conference on April 17th 2018. Rebound and other side effects threaten to undermine policy efforts. Key experts discussed how to to anticipate or capture effects and to better (re)shape policies in a responsible and future-prove way.


CORP Conference: Instruments for assessing transport schemes

At the 23rd International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society (CORP) on April 6th 2018, a joint workshop of the SAMOA and REBOUND projects presented practical instruments for assessing systemic impacts of transport schemes. Indicators and planning tools were discussed in regards to their applicability for tackling unintended side effects and conflicting policy targets.


NOEST Energy Lunch: Proactive rebound management required

On October 6th 2017 at the NOEST Energy Lunch, Dr. Veronika Kulmer (Centre for Climate, Energy & Society (LIFE), JOANNEUM RESEARCH) highlighted the importance of awareness raising measures for proactive rebound management. While such measures promote the adoption of energy efficient technologies, they also reduce the risk for ensuing rebound effects. As rebound effects occur within the interplay of technology adoption and usage, they need to be recognized as crucial in the development of climate and energy strategies.

NOEST stands for the Styrian environmental energy network (Netzwerk Öko-Energie Steiermark). The NOEST Energy Lunch event series enable stakeholders to exchange experiences and innovations.

Implications for proactive rebound management
Veronika Kulmer

International Workshop: Rebound effects in mobility

While there is already a wide agreement that rebound effects exist, we see a lag of practical strategies for proactive rebound management.

Bringing the rebound debate to Austria, on May 8th 2017 the Centre for Climate, Energy & Society (LIFE) of JOANNEUM RESEARCH together with the Technical University of Vienna held a workshop with decision-makers and experts from theory and practice. The CATCH team presented relevant findings of research activities linked to the political-administrative, economic and psychological dimension of rebound effects.

Key-note speakers Univ.-Prof. Dr. Reinhard Madlener (RWTH Aachen) and PhD Vlasis Oikonomou (Joint Implementation Network) brought in an additional international perspective.

Key findings

Introduction & Overview
Sebastian Seebauer

Rebound chains by the examples of e-mobility and automated driving
Veronika Kulmer
Automated driving
Martin Berger

Economic rebound effects and their implications for policy design
Reinhard Madlener

Energy efficiency policies under the Energy Efficiency Directive and the rebound effect
Vlasis Oikonomou

Press release

Press release of Land Salzburg „Positive Bilanz der Elektromobilitätsförderung in Salzburg